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Mental Health 

We are currently working to improve our NHS and private dance-specialist healthcare services to include comprehensive mental health support. Whilst we are working on this, we have gathered together some useful resources on various mental health topics for dancers, dance teachers and directors to utilise. For specific questions about mental health, please send them through to and our team will seek advice from our Dance Medicine and Science expert panel to answer your query.


Or click on one of the topics below to find related resources, or scroll down to browse through them all.

If you feel that you’re in immediate danger of seriously harming yourself or taking your own life, call 999 and ask for help or go to your nearest Accident & Emergency department (A&E)

If you are looking for a dance-specialist psychologist, psychotherapist/counsellor, dance movement
psychotherapist or any other holistic mental health practitioner, any of the following services can support you
If you are looking for support for general mental health concerns the following resources may be useful
NHS listing of mental health helplines



Starting the Conversation about Mental Health

Heads Together: Heads Together are a charity supported by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry who work in partnership with inspiring charities with decades of experience in tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health challenges. To find out more visit their website. *Input video* ​We love this video Heads Together have released of model Adowa Aboah talking to her mum, Camilla, about the first time she started talking about her struggles with mental health. Men's Health Forum: Check out Men’s Health Forum’s manifesto about how to make it easier for men and boys to talk about physical and mental health within your environment. To find out more click here. The Blurt Foundation: Blurt aim to increase awareness and understanding of depression by providing peer-support, podcasts and their amazing BuddyBox scheme. To find out more click here. Time to Change: Time to Change is a movement to change how we all think and act about mental health problems. To learn more about their focus and what they do click here. Mental Health Foundation: Dedicated to finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems. Find their A-Z Guide to Mental Health here.

Starting the Conversation


Foundations for Excellence: Foundations for Excellence existed to share research, resources and best practice for the support and development of talented young musicians, singers and dancers. This was achieved through the online resource hub, the commission of new information sheets on a variety of specific topics and a biennial conference. The information sheets on performance anxiety created by Foundations for Excellence in collaboration with One Dance UK’s Healthier Dancer Programme, is now made available via their website. One Dance UK’s Healthier Dancer Programme offers a range of talks for schools and companies. On their menu of talks they offer a workshop on improving confidence and reducing anxiety amongst dancers. Contact for more information or click here to visit their website. Tips for Dancers on Anxiety: This paper provides basic information on the symptoms & causes of anxiety, describes various types of anxiety-related disorders and provides ways to manage anxiety. Access this Dance/USA Task Force on Dancer Health Informational Sheet here. Performance Anxiety for Dancers - Dance Knowledge Course: Performance anxiety affects dancers through underlying mechanisms and functions. By separating somatic and cognitive anxiety we take a closer look at patterns of anxiety and how practicing performance scripts can mediate anxiety in response to performance. To take this online course, click here. Mind: Mind is a mental health charity providing advice and support, with the aim to empower those experiencing mental health issues. They are campaigning to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. To find out more click here. For more information on symptoms of anxiety and ways to find help, visit their website. Anxiety UK: Anxiety UK works to relieve and support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding. To learn more visit their website. For access to their support and resources click here. NHS Support for Anxiety Disorders: Feeling anxious or nervous is a common emotion for us all at different times in our lives but for someone suffering with an anxiety disorder it can be a struggle to control emotion on a daily basis in many different situations. For more information about generalised anxiety disorder in adults click here.



Tips on Depressive Illness for Dancers: Depressive illness can change how one performs and functions. This paper helps dancers to recognize some of the signs and symptoms of depression, along with some resources for when and where to get help. Access this Dance/USA Task Force on Dancer Health Informational Sheet here.


Pushing Physical Boundaries 

ROCKBOTTOM is a moving and incredibly honest self-portrait of personal struggle with depression and addiction from Stuart Waters, a successful performer for 20 year. ROCKBOTTOM is a deeply personal piece, about how Stuart hit his own ‘rock-bottom’ and survived to tell the tale. Despite enjoying 15 years at the peak of his career, Stuart Waters was secretly battling with his own demons. His experience of addiction, mental health problems, and reaching rock-bottom, has been the inspiration for this solo dance theatre work. *Input ROCKBOTTOM video* Dan Edwardes, Founder and Director of Parkour UK, gave the keynote speech on pushing physical boundaries and taking informed risks at Dance UK's Aesthetic Athletes and Dancers conference. *Input video* ​#dancersneedrest Rest is anything that gives you a break – either physical or mental. In order to push artistic and technical boundaries, professional dancers work long hours and push their bodies in the studio and onstage, sometimes in addition to training outside of dance. However, if a dancer does too much and ignores early warning signs, they risk the serious and lasting issue of overtraining or burnout. Busy class, rehearsal and performing schedules (not to mention a dancer’s personal drive for perfection) can also result in overtraining and injury. To find out more click here. *Input video*

Pushing Physical Boundaries

Eating Disorders 

Beat is the UK’s eating disorder charity, their vision is an end to the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. On their website you can find support groups, online forums, helplines, research and education. Healthy nutrition for dancers It can sometimes be tricky to maintain a balanced diet when faced with a demanding timetable or rehearsal schedule. Our friends at IADMS have written this amazing FREE resource sheet covering all things nutrition for dancers. They also have a range of other helpful resources for dancers and dance teachers here. Eating Disorder Hope is a charity offering information and advice on all types of eating disorders. They aim to offer education, support, and inspiration. To find out more about the charity visit their website.

Eating Disorders


Foundations for Excellence: What motivates you to dance? If you are dance teacher or a director, how do you motivate your dancers? Foundations for Excellence created a resource sheet discussing different types of motivation and how to improve and maintain your motivation. Check it out here. Empowering Dance: Research shows that the 'right' training and learning environment leads to happier, healthier and more accomplished performers, who are more able to cope with the demands of training as well as professional dance careers. Based on the ground-breaking work of Prof Joan Duda at the University of Birmingham, Empowering Dance workshops offer choreographers, directors and teachers the knowledge to create positive environments for dancers. Find out more here. Elsa Urmston discusses positive psychology in dance teaching at the Beyond the Body conference in the video below. *Input video*


Improving Mental Health Support in Schools 

​Place2Be is the UK's leading children's mental health charity providing in-school support and expert training. To find out more click here. Young Mind’s is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. We champion children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing across the UK. Driven by their experience we create change so that children and young people can cope with life’s adversities, find help when needed and succeed in life. To find out more about their mission and how they work, visit their website. Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP) recognizes body movement as an implicit and expressive instrument of communication and expression. DMP is a relational process in which client/s and therapist engage in an emphatic creative process using body movement and dance to assist integration of emotional, cognitive, physical, social and spiritual aspects of self. Find out more here. Research studies and publications on the relationship between DMP and Mental Health can be found here. Togetherall Togetherall is an online mental health and wellbeing service offering self-help programmes, creative outlets and a community that cares. When you're dealing with everyday stressors or major life events, we'll help you get through it. Find out more here.

Improvng Mental Health


Cruse Bereavement Care: Cruse Bereavement Care offers face-to-face, telephone, email, website support and a place for people to turn to when someone dies. Click here to visit their website. Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide offers support services for adults over 18 who have been bereaved or affected by suicide. Services are run by volunteers, the majority of whom have been bereaved by suicide themselves. Find out more about thier work here. Alliance of Hope The Alliance of Hope provides healing support for people coping with the shock, excruciating grief, and complex emotions that accompany the loss of a loved one to suicide. We hope that you will find resources here to help you deal with, and eventually heal from, the pain of your loss. Find support with them here.

LGBTQ+ Mental Health 

Gendered Intelligence: An organisation that specialises in supporting young trans people under the age of 21. They deliver trans youth programmes, support for parents and carers, professional development and trans awareness training for all sectors and educational workshops for schools, colleges, Universities and other educational settings. Their mission is to increase understandings of gender diversity. World Professional Association for Transgender Health Promotes the highest standards of health care for individuals through the articulation of Standards of Care (SOC) for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People. The SOC are based on the best available science and expert professional consensus. Gender Diversity and Wellbeing Network This network is interested in improving wellbeing among gender diverse people (e.g. those who identify as trans*). The network is interested in exploring different areas of wellbeing, including relationships, the role of social media, new technology, access to health services and the effect of a social gender role transition at work among others. Wellbeing, which is a multi-dimensional concept, includes absence of mental health problems and a satisfactory quality of life. Trans* people have been found to present with higher levels of mental health problems, particularly depression, anxiety and self-harm and poorer quality of life than the cisgender (non-trans*) population. The network will aim to improve wellbeing among this population through research and education. The network includes clinical and non-clinical academics, clinicians working with the transgender population and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Mermaids Supports gender-diverse children and young people until their 20th birthday, as well as their families and professionals involved in their care. Transgender and gender-variant children and teens need support and understanding, as well as the freedom to explore their gender identity. Whatever the outcome, Mermaids is committed to helping families navigate the challenges they may face. Mermaids has been supporting trans and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families since 1995. Back at the start, they were a small group of concerned parents sitting around the kitchen table, coming together to share experiences, find answers and look for ways to keep their children safe and happy. Today, Mermaids has evolved into one of the UK’s leading LGBTQ+ charities, empowering thousands of people with its secure online communities, local community groups, helpline services, web resources, events and residential weekends. We also seek to educate and inform wider society on gender identity by helping professionals accommodate and reassure gender-variant young people.

LGBTQ+ Mentl Health

Safeguarding in Dance

If you have concerns for anyone under 18 in the UK, follow this guidance from the UK Government. You can also contact the the NSPCC Helpline If you have concerns about anyone 18 or older at risk of or experiencing abuse, contact your local council in the UK. You can also refer to the UK Government guidance on rape or sexual assault. NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit The NSPCC's Child Protection in Sport Unit works to safeguard children in sport and other physical activities. Together we can help our young people play sport and stay safe. Ann Craft Trust Advice and training on safeguarding adults at risk and adults in physical activity, including templates for policies and procedures. Whistle While You Work A platform co-directed by Frances Chiaverini (dancer/choreographer) and Robyn Doty (writer/dramaturg) that promotes conversation around harassment, discrimination, and violence towards women and marginalized groups particularly while at work in the arts, especially in professional dance and performance. ​Equity Bullying and Harassment information Everyone deserves to feel safe at work and hostile behaviour should not be tolerated. Equity is committed to: helping those who have endured bullying, threats or attacks; changing our industry's culture to stop perpetrators and to let them know that they will be held accountable for their actions. Download a quick guide to bullying & harassment and also find out more about: Agenda for Change Safe Spaces campaign Bullying: What You Can Do Guide Stalking: Read our guide for sources of support Mental Health Resources Equity Members can report incidents to their Bullying and Harassment Helpline (020 7670 0268) and receive advice on what to do in their situation. They can also email on One Dance UK Industry Standards Drawn up by One Dance UK’s Healthier Dancer Programme following input from representatives from dance companies, dance training and education, independent dance and community dance, the Industry Standards are an attempt to provide, in one simple document, clear guidelines on the standards of practice the dance industry is striving for that can be used as an advocacy tool and checklist. Learn more here. Concerned about Abuse and Harassment on Tour? Some Things to Think About By defining and discussing Harassment, Abuse, and Bullying this paper helps the dancer to recognize, to prevent, and to handle or modify these harmful events. Access this Dance/USA Task Force on Dancer Health Informational Sheet here. Big little secrets: Traumatic Experiences in the Dance World This paper discusses some main sources of trauma in the dance world and methods that can be taken to prevent abuse. It also provides strategies on how to cope with trauma. Access this Dance/USA Task Force on Dancer Health Informational Sheet here.

Safeguarding in Dance

Training for Dance Teachers 

Youth Protection Advocates in Dance: Youth Protection Advocates In Dance® was born as a response and solution to various negative trends that commodify and exploit youth and adults in performing arts. YPAD courses are research based, educational courses for dance professionals and the dance industry as a whole. The intention of Youth Protection Advocates in Dance® is to provide dance professionals with the skills and resources to protect and develop healthy, happy dancers. Through the use of online courses, YPAD courses educate dance studios and communities worldwide on the core elements in constructing an environment focused on the well-being of kids and a sustainable, safe future for dance. ​NSPCC Safeguarding in the performing arts training If you’re organising or providing performing arts activities that involve children, you must prioritise their wellbeing. To learn more about how to do this, reference the helpful information on the NSPCC website here. Empowering Dance Research shows that the 'right' training and learning environment leads to happier, healthier and more accomplished performers, who are more able to cope with the demands of training as well as professional dance careers. Based on the ground-breaking work of Prof Joan Duda at the University of Birmingham, this workshop offers choreographers, directors and teachers the knowledge to create positive environments for dancers. To find out more or to book training for yourself, your staff, or your students, email us.

Training for Dance Teachers


Dancers and perfectionism - IADMS resource paper: High standards, a desire for perfection, and self critical attitudes are sometimes associated with dancers. IADMS has created a resource paper that explores perfectionism in dance, the possible outcomes that dancers may experience, and recommendations for what to do. Find out more here. ​Dancers and perfectionism - Dance Knowledge course The paradox of perfectionism is that perfectionism can be a friend and a foe. Positive and negative perfectionism are distinct thinking styles, feelings, and behaviors. Consider how perfectionism functions in dance practice. Recognise how positive and negative perfectionism impacts dancers by taking this online course here. ​How perfectionism is learnt and reinforced in dance - Dance Knowledge course It is strongly recommended that you complete the Introduction to perfectionism in dance course prior to enrolling this course. The second part in the Dancing to perfection series. Explore how perfectionism is learnt and reinforced in the dance environment. What caused you to become a perfectionist and what keeps your perfectionism going? Make clear distinctions between the three dimensions of perfectionism and consider how perfectionism is amplified through dance training.



Coping with Stress on Stage and in Life: The practice of mindfulness and self-compassion This paper will help you learn more about stress and coping strategies. There is discussion on self-compassion and approaches to implement this into everyday life. Mindfulness for Dancers workshop In this session discusses what mindfulness really is and trys to unfold the power of here and now. It looks at how to tailor mindfulness specifically for dancers; specifically what can be achieved through mindfulness, and what are the hindrances to mindfulness. It also addresses how compassion towards ourselves is essential for our wellbeing. To access a recording a workshop, click here



One Dance UK workshops During lockdown, One Dance UK provided workshops for dancers on maintaining wellbeing during COVID19. To access these workshops, click here

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