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Our Mission

Through shared expertise and a network of multidisciplinary partners NIDMS works to provide the dance sector with access to high quality, affordable, dance specific health care and dance science support services in private practice and the NHS.  These services are underpinned by dance medicine and science research, including that developed and implemented by NIDMS partners.  Best practice, information and resources are disseminated to the wider dance and health community through educational workshops, conferences and publications.



Aim: Providing access to timely, affordable, specialist healthcare for all professional and vocational dance artists
  • Provides multi-disciplinary care, including physiotherapy, physiological, psychological, nutritional elements etc.

  • Focussed on the prevention (via screening and training interventions) and treatment of injuries (via dance specialist care).

  • Addresses compromised mental/emotional health and diminished performance.



Aim: Information and educational resources for dancers, dance students, teachers, choreographers and management 
  • Disseminates state-of-the-art information to dancers, teachers/instructors, artistic directors, choreographers, etc.

  • Continually develops educational/training programmes and professional development opportunities for current and future researchers, practitioners and dancers.

  • Provides recognised higher education study to the highest of standards at postgraduate level.



Aim: Facilitating and applying the latest dance science research to improve dancers' health, wellbeing and performance
  • Investigates basic research (looking at cause-effect relationships, mechanisms) and applied research (examining efficacy and effectiveness of interventions).

  • Studies the areas of; physiological/metabolic, biomechanical, psychological (including motor learning/control, perception-action, and psychoneurological perspectives), sociological, and pedagogical research.

  • Collaboration between researchers and dance organisations will further our knowledge base of what it takes to create and maintain elite dance performance.

  • The focus of research populations ranges from recreational, community, grass-roots, students, professional and retired dancers.


NIDMS was founded in 2012 by One Dance UK, Birmingham Royal Ballet's Jerwood Centre for the Treatment and Prevention of Dance Injuries, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, University of Birmingham and University of Wolverhampton.  This was born out of a need for greater provision of dance medicine and science services for performers, identified through research carried out by Dance UK since 1989.


For more detail on the history of NIDMS please refer to the below publications



Industry standards for dancers’ health, well being and performance 

Updated information based on the  Dancers’ Charter (the small booklet Dance UK published originating from the delegates at the first Healthier Dancer conference in 1990)


Case studies and testimonial from dancers supporting the need for the  National Institute

(2007) A National Institute for Dance Health and Performance: Vision paper


(2007) Briefing Paper for DCMS Dance Forum: Provision of dance medicine and science support services


(2010) National Institute Summary for Philanthropists


Brinson P., & Dick, F. (1996), Fit to Dance,UK: Calouste Gulbenkian


Cowl, C. (2008) The Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund - Insult to Injury?, Dance UK News, Issue 61, Winter


Laws, H. (2006), Fit to Dance 2: Report of the Second National Inquiry Into Dancers' Health and Injury in the UK, London, Dance UK


Laws, H. (2006) Healthier Dancers on an Olympic Scale: Providing medical care and dance science services for all dancers, Dance UK News, Issue 61, Summer


Laws, H. (2007), Towards a National Institute for Dance Health and Performance, Dance UK News, Issue 66, Autumn 


Laws, H (2011) national Institute of Dance Medicine and Science: First phase opening in 2012, Dance UK News, Issue 82


Laws, H. (2011) Healthier Dancer Milestones, Dance UK News, Issue 83, Winter


Laws, H (2012) NIDMS Launched!, Dance UK News, Issue 84


Laws, H. (2013) Leaping forward with medical care, Dance UK News, Issue 86




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